Tian' Anmen Square. We have all heard about the student protests in the square in 1989 where the military "allegedly" killed innocent civilians, something the Chinese government vehemently denies.
Would you believe me if I told you that for the brief 1/2 hour we were in square today, a protester set himself on fire? Apparently this doesn't happen too often. The drama surrounding it was intense. Sirens, shouting, people running to see what was going on. I pulled out my video camera and only just started recording when our Chinese tour guide ran up to me and shouted, "no cameras! Put your camera away!"
Apparently the Chinese government doesn't want anyone recording things like this that "don't happen." A few minutes later I whipped it out again and got reprimended again.
"What will happen if I get caught?" I challenged.
"They could take you in and question you and make things difficult. It's just better not to. It's illegal to record things like that."
I certainly don't want to mess with the Chinese government so I put the camera away. (Incidentally when I went to download the video it wasn't there. I think the Chinese government erased it because I would never make a dumb mistake with my camera.)
I never actually saw the guy flare up. I did smell something awful burning, and saw the ambulance take him away. It was quite fascinating to witness something to random, something you might read about in a book. Our Korean tour guide said she's been to the square about 100 times and has never once seen a real demonstration. She said the protester would go to the hospital to get his burns treated and probably be tossed in the slammer for 5 years. The Chinese tour guide said that no one will know what happens to the protester- the Chinese government would never tell them.
It is interesting being in a communist country. In some ways they are moving away from it in the sense that they can work for private companies, but censorship still seems prominent, and freedom of speech is definitely not allowed. When we asked our Chinese tour guide about the student protests in 1989, he said, "we are told something different. We are told that the students killed the soldiers. We are told that the students were bad and their ideas were not right and that they were beating the soldiers." Notice he prefaced it with "we are told", not "this is what happened." (Someone should ask the government how unarmed students could so easily kill armed soldiers.) He also mentioned that for years dirt-poor China was told that they were rich compared to the Western world. It was only in the past twenty five years when Western movies came to China did they realize that this was a lie. There are other examples of this censorship, but alas, I have much to write about. I am not one for organized tours, but having a real local to talk to has been very interesting.

On this note, you know how we think all Asians look the same? They all think we look the same. I would have thought with our different eye and hair colors that it would be different, but not so. Our tour guide informed us of this, and Meaghan and I have been mixed up several times. I know we look alike, but our hair is way different. They cannot tell us apart at all. Once someone even thought I was Lynae.

More adventures! It just can't get much better than this, I am sure! I think that you were a little nervy videoing the second time, when they already told you not to. You bad girl! I'm glad that you are safe and I don't have to bail you out of Chinese prison. That would have really sucked. :) As I am writing this, you should have just landed back in Busan. You will probably want to sleep most of today if you got up at 4:30. We had a nice New Year's Eve. Kind of quiet but fun. And tonight we did a cafe once again. Jewell and Cody stole the show. Sorry Rob. I am kind of glad life will get back to normal. We are now counting down the days for the two of you to get home. And so is Mike. I called him this morning to wish him a Happy New Year. Love you all!
Janet and Debbie just gave me heck
For not commenting to your online blog yet
My life has been so busy with my kiddies three
That I just haven’t had the time to comment yet, you see
What can I say, Christmas is a busy time of year
As we rush from place to place, from there to here
And then to make matters worse,
All 3 kids got sick at once – oh what a curse
I did 5 loads of laundry till 3 am in the morn
Washing their blankets and the PJs they’d worn
Between them they puked 14 times in one night
And then they gave me the flu, it just isn’t right
Flat on my back I spent a whole day
To get that much needed rest, that seemed the only way
And when I did have to time to read your blog
Ron was on the computer, he was quite the hog
For he’s transferring all our home videos to DVD
And is having quite a bit of fun on his editing spree
But now life is settling down once again
The Christmas tree is down and packed in the den
Even the lights from outdoors are back in the shed
Ron took advantage of the mild day we had
The New Year’s party is an event of the past
And the RCV Café is over which is always a blast
We sure missed you girls doing your thing
As we had to watch other people dance and sing
We also missed you for the annual gingerbread bake
As our kids their own cookies did decorate and make
As we continue the tradition which began with all of you
I’d hate to think how many Christmases ago we started this – it’s been quite a few
Debb told me that I was now in your bad book
For not making any comments to your blog, what a kook
She thinks she’s now became your favourite aunt.
Dream on Debb, to become her favourite, you just can’t
For I’ve clinched that spot forever and ever
Think what you want Debb, hey, whatever…
Glad you girls are having a good time out East
Even if on weird things you must feast
And Giraffe Denise, I’m glad on your “ass” you never did fall
Because it’s a long way down when you’re oh, so tall
And Lynae, isn’t it great being married out spending the dough
When off to work to earn your cash, dear Mikey must go
And Meaghan and Kevin, it must really blow you away
That your sisters came to Korea to share your Christmas Day
So have a good time as your time before you say goodbye to each other
And come back home safely, so you can spend time with your mother.
Without her girls, Christmas Day for her was a little bit sad
Even though that the 3 of you were together she really was glad
I’m sorry, my comment to your blog was so very slow
But bye for now, I really gotta go…
Love, your favourite Aunt Selene
China an amazing place???
Hell yah!
let's make it a tradition...we'll spend every New Year's eve in a different country!!!
you're a great travel buddy:)
K, I opt for someplace warmer next year. Say Mexico or some Caribbean island?
Oh come on now Selene, surely you can do better,
It shows you are jealous, quit being a fretter.
It's obvious that I am the favoured one,
For with me these girls always have such fun.
The games that we play bring us such joy,
Now stop being foolish, quit being so coy!
Your life scares them off of being a mother,
All of your poop stories makes parenthood seem like a bother.
Whilst my well behaved children and fantastic spouse,
Show the girls a properly, well managed house.
I'm sorry if this hurts you, the truth often will,
but your chances of outranking me are honestly Nil.
As for Chris I can't agree with you more,
I hope blue skies for us is in store,
I wanted snow only for our Christmas day,
and then it could all just melt away.
Sorry to ignore you Kevin and girls,
But there were just some things that had to unfurl.
It had to be said in my original way,
Can't wait to see you in just 5 more days!
Love you lots,
Aunt Debb
Debb if the girls had copied your perfect family
They'd each have a kid now and that'd make 3
But because of me they used birth control
And now can enjoy a holiday and enjoy it to the full
So I'm taking the credit for their trip across the sea
Which makes me the favourite aunt, yah it's not you, but it's me
But some day when my kids are all grown
We can both laugh at them when they have kids of their own
And we'll blog them from far away places
And the envy this time will show on THEIR faces.
It's a good thing that I am the mom and not an aunt or you two girls (Debb and Selene) wouldn't stand a chance of being the favourite aunt. And by the way, don't you two busy moms of young kids have anything better to do than sit on the computer reading blogs and writing poems? :)
Hey Jan - Sometimes email and blog is our only link to sanity and it's usually a short trip between the two, so thanks Denise for letting us use your blog to keep our sanity.
who said you were invited Chris? :)
Selene, Selene this has just got to stop,
Your futile attempts are over the top.
I am sure that Denise, Lynae, Meaghan and Kevin,
Will think that they've died and gone up to heaven.
Two grown women, fighting to be the fave,
Their heads will grow huge from the attention we gave.
You are a nice lady, all know that it's fact,
But there is no way you can get in on my favourite aunt act.
Now that that's said it is time for the end,
While you and I can still call each other friend.
I like your idea you can count me in,
On our future travels but do we take our men???
Or should we leave them at home as Lynae has done,
To make lots of money while we have our fun.
Since Janet's the mom and not in the race,
She can come too while we visit each place.
Now it's time for this mom to get back to her busy life,
Before my family starts bitchin' and giving me strife.
Hey guys: Thanks for letting us use your blog for our personal enjoyment. Hope you like our attempts at poetry!!
Love ya lots and can't wait to see you,
Your FAVOURITE Aunt Debb
who said you were invited Chris? :)
Oooh Meaghan, I think that you cut Chris real deep. What are you chicks doing today? I'm asking on the blog since I'm not getting any email.
And Debb, you gotta be easy on Selene. She got terribly insulted by her own kid today and I think she's gonna have to see a psychiatrist.
Denise, I was just wondering what we are going to do once you're home. Seems as if us girls are all racing to the blog several times a day for our entertainment. Can you keep your blog going when you get home, telling us about your famous work experiences with Steve?
Hey, you know me Meaghan...I'll just invite myself. I do half the time any way. LOL As for all these posting by 'want-a-be' favourite aunts, I just have one thing to say: I've seen all your kids! 'Holy terrors' is there nicknames in the church. I'd hate to see what those outside the church call them. Actually, I think I overheard my Dad saying those Esser and Taylor kids now had a rap sheet the length of his arm. Which is pretty long because I've been hit by it while running away several times. But I digress. I wanted to let aunts and mothers know that if you ever need any good councelling services, I know a good institution in St. Thomas that is covered by OHIP. Although Janet seems sane, I'm thinking Deb and Selene could use some vacation time in the 'white' room. P.S. Avoid the 'red' room, it makes Dom and I agitated.
Hey Chirs - I'll take a vacation anywhere even if it's the white room. As the saying goes, beggers can't be choosers. And you're wrong about the rap sheet being as long as an arm. Cody's is MUCH longer as he has short arms and for him to be called a holy terror is really a compliment. Holy terror, talk about an oxymoron. So really, I'll take your remarks as compliments even though they probably weren't intended as such.
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