Thursday, January 4, 2007


Here's a down and dirty 5 minute clip I threw together of some of our footage from Thailand.

Neither me, my camera, nor video editing software is professional, so don't be too hard on me.


Rob & Debb said...

Thanks for the movie clip. Your right, your editing sucks but it was still very cool to see some of what you guys have been doing. I especially liked the footage of the pink hat on top of the guy on top of the elephant. That's about all you see but it was very cool!
The monkeys were cute and have inspired me to begin my own set of sit ups.

I an happy to be the first to comment on the blog. Everything is once again all right in the world. Chris, in your face buddy. You will just have to get up earlier to beat me.

Wow, I didn't realize how competitive I am until you started this whole blog thing Denise. Thanks for revealing a whole new side of me.

George Esser said...
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George Esser said...

Its your brother. That sound track was so brutal I could barely hold on long enough to see the bad ass bus. Looked fun though

George Esser said...

Hey, what fun! I especially love the monkey doing situps. He can do them better than I can. Deb, somehow I don't believe you that those monkeys inspired you to start doing sit ups. In about 24 hours you girls will start heading to the airport. I am happy and I know Meaghan is sad, and Kevin, well, he's probably somewhat happy and a little bummed. I can't wait to see you. Love you lots.

Denise Esser said...

Ah, Josh, I knew you would appreciate that. I picked it just for you.

I tried to find a Tool track, but they just weren't fast enough.

Don't worry- I'll be home soon and serenade you with my tunes once again. I know you're counting down the hours. Just play the video again to help you through the withdrawals.

Chris said...

Wow, with family like you guys who would have need for enemies.... although I do agree, the song just doesn't say Thailand to me. LOL And yes you beat me to the punch Deb but I honestly didn't find out about the movie until today when Denise told me, so your win is hollow at best. LOL I was so hoping I could see that monkey spaz out and start swinging from Lynae's dreds. LOL