One full (and unexpected) day in Bangkok and I am reminded of how much I love this place.
First of all, it's not hard to love any place with 25 degree weather and sunshine. Secondly, I just like the chaos and lack of rules on the road. (That is, provided I'm not a victim of these lack of rules.)

Plus, it's just different. People, cars, scooters, tuk-tuks, and motorcycles are in excess. A lot of the roads are 6 lanes, and the dotted lines that mark the lanes are completely disregarded. Gaudy memorabilia is everywhere- bling bling decorates cell phones, trinkets are dangling from rearview mirrors, and pictures of the king are all over the streets. The vendors sell funny things such as t-shirts that read outrageous things that I can't actually type on here, for fear of my grandmother reading it (a lot of four letter words that start with "F" which are so misplaced, it's clear these Asians have no idea what they are marketing). The traffic puts LA to shame and the language barrier is always a mix of amusing, frustrating, and humorous (such as commenting on the cab driver's ears: "Man, that guy's ears are HUGE!" "Poor guy, he looks like Dumbo." Then we start to giggle at the ears, feeling slightly bad for it, and he sees us laughing and starts laughing with us, so we are all sharing a hearty chuckle and he has no idea that we are laughing at him!)

We travelled the city by tuk-tuk, cab and on foot. There are two options you have when getting trucked around Bangkok: 1. Close your eyes and cross your fingers and say your prayers. 2. Keep your eyes open, tell your travel companion that he/she may have your [insert prized possession here] and sit back and think that getting smucked in Bangkok would be an exciting way to go. For all the close calls it's amazing there aren't carcasses and smashed up vehicles littering the streets.

We mostly just shopped the markets yesterday. Everything is so cheap here. I indulged in fresh fruit from local vendors ($.30) and refreshing coconut milk from the shell ($1.00). Of course I did a bit of shopping. I got a pair of Pumas for $15.00 (authentic, I swear) and a necklace for $.67. I won't bore you with the rest of my purchases, but you get a lot for a little here. The bartering system is fun for a bit, but tiresome after a while.

Being in the hospital is a riot! Only hours from now we take the 21 hour train ride to Laos...