Being the con artist that he is, coupled with a remarkable capability for getting anything he wants from the Asians who adore him, he decided to take advantage of his hospitalization. He was released from the nice, clean, comfortable hospital on Tuesday, which was paid for by his medical insurance. So he convinced the doctor to let him stay for a few more days, just for a place to crash. Nicer than a hostel, and cheaper too. He comes and goes as he pleases and is guaranteed a clean bed.
“By the way, Doc, my sister-in-law has an overnight layover in Bangkok. Can she crash here too?”
He assured me I would have accommodations.
My cab pulled up to the hospital at 11:30pm and I was a little nervous. Would they let me in? What about visiting hours? My cab door was opened for me by a couple Thai guys; they retrieved my luggage, put it on a luggage rack and escorted me to Kevin’s room. It was like having a personal bellhop! I gave Kevin a hug and complimented his hospital garb.
“Saves me from doing laundry,” was his reply (later I spotted a spare pair and threw it on myself. Hospital wear is comfy!).

If Kevin is a con artist, Meaghan has been taking lessons from him. Originally we were all going to meet in Laos, but with my long layover and Kevin’s hospitalization, the crew is coming to Bangkok. So I have somehow been swindled to forego my quick connecting flight to Vientiane in lieu of a 21 hour train ride to Laos with the travelling posse, all for the sake of “seeing the countryside” and “the camaraderie of the road trip with your favourite people” (reference: Meaghan, email sent Nov. 29). First wine, then obscenely long train rides...what I won’t do for my sister.
In truth I am so anxious to see them again I could trek to Jerusalem on the back of a freaking donkey and be happy if they were with me. At the risk of sounding dreadfully sappy (my friends who call me a hard ass, take note) I have to admit that amidst all the looming excitement of a trek around Asia, time off work, gallivanting across the world, seeing new things, life changing experiences...right now it all seems so meaningless and insignificant next to my anticipation of seeing Meaghan again. Only one more sleep! Yes, that means another tremendous sleepover in the hospital. Now this is Bangkok on a budget!
Hey guys,
I can't believe you guys have swindled free food and accomodations in an Asian hospital. It must be Kevins winning smile that gets him whatever he want.
As a fellow Dutchman I can't think of a better way to do it.
Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. We enjoy it immensely.
Love you lots.
Good to hear that you arrived safely. Have fun!!!
It's times like this, but ever so briefly, that I wish I were Dutch. Then I wake up from my nightmare and realize that I could never eat dropee's and I"m glad once again to be African.
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