Here I sit in the Detroit airport trying to wrap my head around the fact that I get to travel for fun this time, as opposed to business. I am dangerously close to pulling out the corporate MasterCard to pay for my Starbucks, but remember with a grin that I'm on my own. It's easy to forget; perhaps in part because I'm still pulling my briefcase around, or perhaps because when I get online and check my work email there are 21 unread emails. And this is only 2 hours into my vacation...
I get to the counter and dump my backpack, which feels awfully heavy. I realize why as it sits on the scale: it weighs in at 40lbs. Meaghan went through great lengths to get me to travel light. She even sent an itemized email with what I should be bringing, as detailed as "5 tank tops" and "1 pair of jeans". She assured me that I would thank her for this when we were trekking around in 30 degree weather.
Why is my backpack so heavy, you ask?
Well let's see....Dana requested a jar of kalamata olives and old cheddar cheese. She pulled the "it's my birthday" card. Kevin's mom had to send along cookies and chocolate. I agreed only because I will reap the benefits of these treats.
And Meaghan--yes, the same Meaghan who instructed me to bring only 1 pair of jeans for a month in the sake of "travelling light"-- asked me to bring 2 bottles of wine.
So I'm carting around homebrew wine on my back. My reasons for doing so are only partly selfish (after all, it's no secret that I enjoy my wine). It's because it's Meaghan and I love her to bits and I miss her so much that she could have requested I bring a gold brick and I would have attempted to do so.
All I've got to say is the first night everyone better be hungry and thirsty, because my days of backpacking through Asia with cheese, chocolate, olives and wine are very short lived.
Meet the Gang!
My plane isn't boarding for another hour and I'm trying not to check my work email too much. I thought a bit of an introduction to my travelling companions might be fun, for those of you who care. For those of you who don't, too bad.

Kevin: Meaghan's husband. Loved by Asians. Outragous and impulsive. Likes to laugh and joke around with Asians. Loves to Barter. Fellow lover of motorcycles and technology. Brings out the impulsive in me. Rolls his eyes at Meaghan and I's giggling. Tells me I'm not as funny as I think I am (to which Meaghan disagrees. Always.) Has spent the last 3 months in Asia as a ulimini from him university as a chaperone for a practical travel university semester. Got a serious staph infection in his knee in Bangkok. Been hospitalized for almost 2 weeks. Stuck in Bangkok right now, released from the hospital soon. Going to take advantage of a long layover in Bangkok to visit him in the hospital.
Dana: Honorary sister. Can't remember ever meeting her because I've known her forever. Fellow lover of olives, cheese, chocolate and margaritas. Does a mean impression of Harold Sidler. Will dress up for the opening night of a movie. Always up for an impromptu road trip to see a concert, preferrably if the band members are good looking. Has spent the last 3 months in Asia as a semester for her university. Currently in Myanmar. Meeting up with her on December 1.

Wow can’t believe I’ll be the first in!! Good job Denise enjoy this well deserved holiday. Let all of us jealous folks live vicariously through you and your blog take care
Hey Denise,
Glad to hear you made it safely. Say hi to Kevin for us.
Tell him I loved his knee surgery. I feel so close to him since I was able to see the inside of his knee. It was truly lovely.
What do you mean the poetry got our of hand. I know I personaly found it highly entertaining.
By the way, how does Ben feel about you referring to him as her on your blog. You may have some apologizing to do.
Love you lots.
Give Meg-a-roony-hoppers a big hug from her Aunt Debb and Uncle Rob.
Hello Denise,
I love reading your adventures everyday and hope someday I have the nerve to travel to these faraway places -- I have a great fear of the language barrier. Hope you have a great vacation you deserve it.
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