Remember the movie "The Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio? I was there. The only thing that could have possibly made it any better was if Leo himself was on the beach giving me a Thai massage.
Back to reality.
We took a glorious boat ride to Phi Phi Island (pronounced "Pee Pee". Please take a moment to get any immature giggles out now). It was simply gorgeous. There's a reason the movie was filmed there. I am actually tired right now, so will not try any clever descriptions. Rather, tomorrow I will post pictures (I am back in Korea now, but that's another blog entry).
We jumped off the boat to snorkel in Maya Bay. One peek under the water with my goggles, and I was amazed at the sheer volume of fish. They were as numerous as the stars and didn't seem phased about the swimmers admiring them. I tried to touch them, which should have been easy considering how many there were, but they were too quick for me. They were such vivid colors; it was almost as if they were lit by green, blue, orange and yellow Christmas lights.

Next stop, Monkey Beach. We snorkeled and swam to this beach, which was naturally inhabited by monkeys! There were lots of them- all sizes. The baby monkeys were especially adorable. They were all swinging from trees and eating bananas that the tourists were handing out like candy. As I keep saying, they are fascinating creatures to watch.

I dreamt that night that while snorkeling I caught a delicious bass and fed it to the ligers of Phi Phi Island.

sounds like you living the dream... MY dream... im jealous
im glad your in korea... maybe you'll slow meaghan down enough so she can call me.
i miss you guys. sarnia is duller without you
oh and your napoleon joke at the end amde me crack up...
Its Josh agoian no tyour mom...dana the only reason sarnia is dull is cause you dont see my beautiful mane enough
Hey Denise and Lynae,
Sounds like you are having some great experiences. It makes me want to go back to Uruguay and have some new adventures so I can compete with you. My only happiness is that I got to be away for 9 weeks and you guys only get 4 weeks. SORRY!!! Sucks to be you. Although honestly I never got the chance to have a massage while being serenaded by Kenny G. Not 100% sure that I would really want to anyway.
I agree with your mom that you have some very strange friends. I keep thinking that I actually know these guys, have gone to church with them for years but am now seeing a whole new side to them. I guess you really don't know who you are sharing a church pew with until you read their blog.
Dana, I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time in Sarnia. You can always call us and come over for a game of Pitt, Hands Down, Boggle or old faithful Settlers.
Josh sorry to hear about your getting kicked out of Sex Ed class. I'm sure you could have used the help. At least it has given your mom a new story to tell.
Rob has been trying to help Kailey with her journal about our time spent in Uruguay and he has been using your blog as an example for her. Sorry to tell you but apparently Kailey does not recognize or appreciate your talent. She finds your speach just a tad bit to flowery and prefers to do things her own way.
Anyway, continue to have a great time. You will be missed at Christmas. You are also missed on Sundays as well as there have not been enough rook players since you have been gone. Sorry that all you are good for is your rook talent. I am sure that the rook gods will be frowning on you when you get back for ignoring them for so long. Remind me not to be either of your partners until you have properly appeased them.
Say hi to Kevin and Meaghan for us all.
Hugs and Kisses,
Love Aunt Debb
Such a beautiful place! I lived in Phuket for a while and was happy to find myself at Phi Phi Leh just before the movie released so it was still rather untouched! Try the bird's nest soup from the area, it is quite unique to American tongues.
And as an outsider, your friends seem quite normal. I think "chris" has a thing for you though, and could it be possible that "geoffy of the pants" has a thing for him?
Enjoy your time in Krabi!
Dana- We miss you too! You should be here as our 3rd sister.
Josh- there are stylish mullets everywhere in Thailand. They're coming back...even the models have them!
Aunt Debb-Thanks for the comments. It's good to hear from you guys. Have a great Christmas! Good luck playing Rook. We'll take our chances on the wrath of the Rook gods when we get back.
Dom- I know I know you. Unfortunately for me you're pretty clever because I can't figure it out.
I get the sneaky suspicion that Dominic is none other than a man the natives like to call 'Forrest.' Beware of this man, he likes to prey on Dutch women and small snail like creatures.
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