Sigh. This is the life. This place is so amazing I feel like I am in a permanent state of euphoria.
Take yesterday, for instance. We take a local bus to our new hostel by the beach. The local bus is really a pick-up truck with benches in the back with a covering from the sun. We get to our hostel to find out that it has been overbooked, but fear not, for we get a free upgrade to the "guesthouse". We enter our room to find a private bathroom, queen sized bed, air conditioner, fridge, and TV. After our hostels this is akin to driving a Mercedes after my beloved 1995 Toyota Tercel.

Upon setting foot on the sandy beach, we decide to get Thai massages. We lie down and the Thai women give us the most amazing full body massage, ass cheeks and all. The massage lasts one hour and we pay only $10 CAD for this treat. While they work their magic on our muscles, we hear the coo of their Thai tongue, the waves of the ocean, and are serenaded by Kenny G.

No kidding, Kenny G. Live and in person. Most of you who know me realize that Kenny G makes me want to kill myself on a good day, and stab someone with a fork on a bad, specifically when he does Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" covers. However, there was a jazz festival to be had on the beach that day and he was doing a sound check. Being as it was a jazz festival, he stuck to more jazzy tunes. He honked on his saxophone, backed up by his band, for at least a half hour for the sound check. We went over and watched him for a bit. He was probably only 10ft away from us. No one can deny it- the boy has talent. Nothing funny, I just love talent.

We lay on the beach for a while (and have pink noses to prove it) and as I am relaxing, I sit up with a start and a slight yelp. Something has bitten my ass, I am sure of it. I investigate to see a mischevous little crab running away. He may have been cute under different circumstances.
Sunning, eating Thai cuisine, and swimming. That has been our life for the past couple days.
Like I keep saying. Don't be surprised if I don't make it back home.

no fair! its freezing here and we saw the first snow of the winter today!
you guys sound like you are having an amazing time...if you don't want to come see me again i understand, completely.
by the way, 1995 Toyota Tercel? i think you need to give AJ the respect he deserves! Would you forget your own child's birthdate?! i'm not sure you deserve that 1993 goodness!
SO, basically you had Kenny G pinching your crabby ass? Sorry, thats honestly what I read from your story title. My bad.
As well, Nelson and I also had a taste of a similar culture last night when we visited La Cantina. Although, if I had asked for milk from a young nut I may have had to call for bail $.
Geoff just sent me your blog info now!
Sounds like you are having an amazing time!
I've enjoyed reading your stories.
Hi there! Sounds like you are having an amazing time! I am so happy for you and a tad jealous as well. I think about you guys so much that it actually surprises me - wondering what you are doing, if you are ok, etc. etc. And I'm missing you all too. Just listening to Kokomo's pics and hearing Stibelo and missing the good times we had earlier this spring with our marguaritas. And now Ewan McGregor is singing and i'm missing you even more. I'm ok really - it's a good miss! At least i got to see Dana and you didn't! She looked great! Dad is still in Ottawa till tomorrow and JOsh just got home. It's 10 on Sunday night. Email is still down and so I have to talk to you this way. I am so enjoying your blog and get on it a couple of times a day to see if there is an update. I'm glad that it was only a crab that bit your ass and not a handsome Thai man that pinched you, 'cause then you definitely may not come back. Love you both. Ma
Actually, if the truth be told, Geoff actually did ask a young nut for his milk. Of course I stepped in, and as a good friend, took the first punch to the face. This time I saw it coming though. So when you see pics of me with a nose guard, just know it's Geoff's fault. LOL
LOL I actually get a little chuckle when hearing about that crab. I can picture him running away and saying, "Hey lady watch where you park those ass cheeks next time, you almost sophocated me!"
As for the Tercel Meaghan, it's Denise's bastard child at best. No one every really appreciates the bastard child. I'm sure you love the Tercel but as a bastard child it's due for some punishment. In fact I'm writing this blog comment on a laptop from the middle of Centennial as I take AJ over some sweet jumps. You didn't need the front bumper right? Who knew there was wireless internet in the middle of the park? LOL
Well it is actually your bother not your mom but since i am too lazy to set up an account for my self i thought i would hack moms.
Today I had the first regret of not joining you. I think it was because I fell into a well...full of black slimey water. Luckly people came to rescue me but they thoguht my name was timmy. It worked out ok though. So now I'm at home trying to scrub the algie off my eyelids and i figured I would read your adventures. Although, I do think fallign into a gross well is better than listening to kenny g.
As for sophocating it is spelt suffocate. Sounds liek your having a good time and im slightly jealious. Although I see yoru ugly mug all the time so I would spend more time with meaghan...mostly hoping she would become rich one day and leave a big inhertance to me cause i was the only one to keep her company in Busan. Land of the white giant.
Have fun. And keep your minds out of the gutter with all their tarnished vile city names
Truth of the matter is...the way Chris has been looking lately, he should be the one called Timmy. Glad your having a good time and sorry to hijack your blog. Its not Wednesday yet so we have to keep oursleves busy somehow :)
Bill Flair, Local Celebrity a.k.a. Phil:
Greetings from beautiful Sarnia. I'm sure you both are thinking constantly of how much you miss Sarnia. Well it's actually still very mild. 10 degrees tomorrow. I saw two guys out jogging in their shorts...so it's really almost exactly the same here as it is there...just the waters a tiny bit cooler.
Anyway, I'm mostly writing to let you know I'm enjoying your blog...of course we are all jealous of you. I had a great chat with Kevin at 4am here for close to an hour using iChat video conferance. I was thinking that I'd invite Mike over when you know you are going to be with Kevin and Meaghan again and we'd all have a little chat....for that matter maybe I'd invite anyone that wanted to over at the same time and we could all chat. The quality is pretty good so it might be fun. Let me know when you are going to be with them again.
Anywho I don't have to tell you to have a great time...looking forward to tales of your adventures.
Your friend, Phil
You're all nuts! Thanks for the blog comments. They had us laughing and made us almost miss you guys. Almost.
As for my comments: mom, it's great to hear about back home. Glad you're enjoying the blog. Josh, what the hell were you talking about being covered in black? Megs, sorry, but I'm in denial because I can't be seen driving a car more than half my age old, Chris your spelling sucks but the comments about the car made up for it, and Geoff, La Cantina is so close to Thailand it's pecular. Keep going there. I hear it's good for your reputation. ;)
My spelling is atrocious? The last time I checked, 'pecular' was spelled 'peculiar.' LOL
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