We have managed to stay in one place for more than 24 hours! Bangkok is an incredible city. It's probably close to 30 degrees with the humidity. It's amazing that we're still alive since crossing the street here is probably more dangerous then walking Central Park at midnight. There are no cross walk signs. We simply follow the locals, dodge the cars, pretend we don't hear the horns, and say our prayers. I took a video while I crossed the street, focusing more on my cinematography than the scooters, motorcycles, cars, buses and tuk tuks, and Lynae swears she saved me from a pancake-like fate.
Anyway, not to bore you but here are the highlights of Bangkok, in no particular order:

2. A ride to a local market in a tuk tuk, which is a charming 3 wheeled scooter that manages to dodge traffic with the adeptness of a squirrel in Sarnia.

3. Local cuisine. Pad Thai on every corner, mango sticky rice (delicious!), fresh fruit, Lychee smoothies, papaya and anchovy salad, fresh squeezed orange juice...I would take Thai cusine over Canadian food anyday! Heavenly!
4. Buddha temples and palaces. We had to take a boat to get there. All I can say is that these temples give the word "extravagant" a whole new definition. Quite the splendorous sights to be seen.

6. A shopping mall that seems out of place in Bangkok because it's like a palace. Gucci, Giorgio Armani, Spyker cars inside. 9 floors. Fountains and waterfalls indoors. Unbelievable. I've been to a lot of fancy malls in the US in my day, and they don't hold a candle to this one. We took an air conditioned sky train to get there. The disparity between uppity and poor is remarkable. It reminds me a little of South Africa.
We're still tired but elated to be here. We are having a total blast and can't believe how lucky we are to be in Thailand. Last night we forced ourselves to stay up as long as possible and made it until about 7:45pm. We woke up at 3:30am for the day. We did read and relax for a bit in the hostel which was needed.
Before I bore you, I should sign off. In only a few hours we take the long trek to Phuket. Yes, we are crazy, but hey, we're travelling girls, and will probably never get a chance to see Phuket again. So, "Phuk et"!

Sounds exactly like Sarnia, Im doing and eating the exact same stuff here. the traffic doesnt seem so bad here.
it most defanitly sounds like quit the adventurous trip. Im looking forword to the pics and video clips. However, maybe you should watch where your walking when it comes to thoes buisy street crossings... I would like to actually see the pics and clips.
Hope ya have fun in the greatly named town of Phuckit, or whatever its called.
i am so jealous!!!!
you guys sounds like you are having an amazing time....i understand if you don't come back to Korea....you know, you really should've done Thailand last because you are now going to be very hard to impress! anything thing i feed you or show you will be very lukewarm....sigh...
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